Software and Other Mysteries

On code and productivity with a dash of unicorn dust.

Greetings Human

I’m no fan of these first posts so I’ll try to be brief. I just wish to tell you what this blog is, and also what it is not. Come to think of it, I might actually use this as my legal contract. Well, perhaps not..

As one can read on the About page, I’m a student and freelancer. In other words, this means that feeling clueless, messing things up and solving problems are everyday things for me. Most of the time it’s solving things, and more often than not it has to do with computers. This is the place where I share these experiences, hopefully either getting help or helping someone else.

What this is not, is a tutorial site. It also does not make any promises to the frequency of posts, the content of the posts or that any code posted won’t actually break your company’s client’s big-ass million dollar website. See what I meant by contract?

I didn’t mean to scare you though. My point is just that you should take this for what it is - a blog. So please, feel free to ask questions and give feedback, it’s always appreciated and probably makes the lives of everyone more enjoyable!
